East LA Office Capital Campaign

Why Rebuild in East Los Angeles?
Built in 1954, our East Los Angeles office is located at 5228 Whittier Boulevard in the County of Los Angeles. It has been our home in East L.A. since 1974. The Clients and communities we are humbled to serve on the Eastside have come to rely on our services to address the challenges they face at difficult moments in their lives. It is critical we remain easily accessible for our clients who need legal assistance. The current building is an 8,700-square-foot, two-story building, housing approximately 26 staff with no parking. Due to its age and degree of dilapidation, the building needs significant repair. After assessments by multiple contractors, our only feasible option is to demolish the building and construct a new facility. Access to justice means access to LAFLA.
We will construct a three-story building, with the first story housing a parking garage for 9 cars and a vestibule on Whittier Boulevard for the public to enter the building. The second and third floors will comprise approximately 10,000 square feet of office space, which will include private interview rooms for clients and a children’s play area, room for more than 32 staff members, a kitchen, outdoor eating area, library, and three conference rooms. This will allow us to see more clients in confidential settings and schedule more clinics where we can assist clients with the help of pro bono attorneys – all of which will be more convenient for clients who live, work and play in our community.
If you have any questions about the proposed project, please contact Lucy Silva at LSilva@lafla.org or 323.801.7903.