(800) 399-4529

Student Loan Issues

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles’ consumer work focuses on assisting clients who cannot afford to repay their student loans and/or have attended for-profit colleges that engaged in predatory, deceptive, or illegal practices.

We may be able to help you if:

  • You are in default on your student loans;
  • You went to a college that closed;
  • You did not have a valid high school diploma or GED before you enrolled in your school and received federal financial aid; 
  • You went to a college that you believe lied to you or did not provide what it promised;
  • You have student loans and you are disabled;
  • You have been sued for repayment on your student loans or by your school; 
  • You cannot afford your monthly student loan payments; or
  • You have other student loan-related questions or problems.

If you are eligible, we may be able to tell you about your rights and options, help you fill out required paperwork, and in some cases represent you.

Video: Student Loan Options for Disaster Survivors

Learn about relief options for federal student loans if you were affected by the fires. Presented by the Consumer Legal Services Coordinated Disaster Response. 

Play button Click here to watch the video.
Play button Haga clic aquí para ver este seminario web en español.

Pin Click to download the presentation slides.

Recorded February 13, 2025.

LAFLA is a member of the Student Loan Empowerment Network in partnership with the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI). Learn more at https://studentloanhelp.dfpi.ca.gov.

Wildfire Recovery 