Joann H. Lee currently serves as Special Counsel on Language Justice at the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, where she has provided direct legal services to Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in the greater Los Angeles area since 2000. Joann has specialized in family and immigration law, with a focus on representing survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. She has conducted language rights advocacy with government entities on behalf of linguistically marginalized communities, including filing administrative complaints and litigation based on state and federal mandates. In 2015, Joann was appointed to and served on the California Judicial Council Language Access Plan Implementation Task Force until its completion in 2019. She has coordinated and facilitated the National Language Access Advocates Network since its inception in 2006 and is involved in other national and local language justice initiatives.
Active in the local community, Joann has served on the boards of the Korean American Bar Association of Southern California, Korean Resource Center, and the Center for the Pacific Asian Family.
Ron Olson Justice Center
1550 W. 8th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017
East Los Angeles Office
5301 Whittier Blvd., 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90022
(temporary location)
South Los Angeles Office
7000 S. Broadway
Los Angeles, CA 90003
Long Beach Office
601 Pacific Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90802
Santa Monica Office
1149 3rd St. #300
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(by appointment only)
Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles seeks to achieve equal justice for people living in poverty across Greater Los Angeles. We change lives through direct representation, systems change, and community education.