Photos from Access to Justice 2023

special performance
The Freedom Singers
We are thrilled to announce that America’s Got Talent semifinalists the Freedom Singers will join us for a special performance! The Freedom Singers represent the musical wing of the Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN). LA CAN is a leader in the unhoused rights movement, a vital community hub in Skid Row, and a cherished LAFLA partner.
Watch the Freedom Singers’ America’s Got Talent performance here!
UPDATE: Our silent auction is now closed!
Thank you for supporting LAFLA. We hope you enjoy your gifts!
Proceeds from the auction support LAFLA’s mission and enable our advocates to provide free, high-quality legal services to more community members. Participants bid on over 100 exciting gifts, including vacation packages, event tickets, wine, jewelry, and more.
ANNOUNCING the Equal Justice Social Hour!
Join us immediately following the dinner program for a dessert buffet and coffee bar in the foyer outside the ballroom.

Honoring Adam B. Schiff
Access to Justice Award

Honoring Dan Stormer
Partner, Hadsell Stormer Renick & Dai
Maynard Toll Award for Distinguished Public Service
Dan Stormer is a founding partner of Hadsell Stormer Renick & Dai, one of the nation’s preeminent Civil Rights firms. For almost 50 years, Dan Stormer has dedicated his life to creating a better world. He has defended and expanded the rights of workers, held the United States government, states, cities, counties, police officers, prisons, international corporations, sexual harassers, slumlords, and other institutions accountable for their abuses of power, and played a pioneering role in shaping civil rights strategy through advocacy and litigation in California, nationally, and abroad.
Pro Bono Law Firm Award

Co-Anchor, ABC7 Eyewitness News
Event Emcee
David Ono is the co-anchor for ABC7 Eyewitness News at 4pm and 6pm, the top rated newscasts in all of Los Angeles.
David joined ABC7 in 1996 and during that time has witnessed history worldwide, covering Hurricane Katrina, Haiti’s earthquake and Japan’s tsunami. He traveled across Europe and Asia chronicling brave acts of the Nisei soldier from World War II.
Ono has attended two Royal Weddings, Prince William’s in London in 2011 and Prince Harry’s in Windsor in 2018. He’s tracked drug runners through Central America and reported live from Boston after the tragic marathon bombing. He’s covered terrorism from Paris not only in 2015 as the historic city was cripple with fear, but also in 2002 after a plot was foiled to bring down the Eiffel Tower.
About the Venue
The Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles is deeply committed to economic justice, and we stand with workers today and always. Therefore, in solidarity with hotel workers striking for a living wage, LAFLA’s 2023 Access to Justice Dinner will now be held at the Taglyan Cultural Complex.
Every day, LAFLA represents workers in issues of wages, hours, and more. Our clients are restaurant servers, dishwashers, car wash workers, domestic workers, and more—people who work to make others’ lives easier, yet are denied their rights or wages.
As a unionized workplace ourselves, we believe in putting our values into practice, and we know our work is never done in a vacuum. We hope you’ll join us to support equal justice on October 10 at the Taglyan Cultural Complex.
The Taglyan Cultural Complex is located at 1201 Vine St. Los Angeles, CA 90038. Enter off of Lexington Avenue.
Click here to get directions.