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LAFLA and DREDF File Lawsuit to Defend Tenant Denied Access to Her Wheelchair

Photo of a woman sitting in a wheelchair. Her face and upper body are not visible. She is barefoot and wearing athletic leggings.

Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA) and co-counsel Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) have filed a lawsuit against Beach Front Property Management, Inc. for alleged disability discrimination. Beach Front, which manages hundreds of properties across Southern California, is accused of refusing to allow a long-term tenant to store her motorized wheelchair in an accessible location, making it impossible for her to enter or leave her own apartment.

Justice for Veterans

Veterans Day, American Flag

LAFLA understands that civil legal services are critical for veterans. LAFLA began offering free legal help for low-income veterans in 1999 through the Bill Smith Homeless Veterans’ Project, which became the Veterans Justice Center. “LAFLA’s Veterans Justice Center is proud to serve our veterans and their families. Our veterans risked their lives to keep our country […]

Finding New Home for Tenants with Disabilities

At LAFLA, our attorneys keep people off the streets by fighting for those about to lose their homes, including clients like Michael. He came to LAFLA after he received a surprising notice from his landlord: He and his family had 60 days to move out of their apartment, due to no fault of their own. […]

Surprise Outcome for Veteran

Manuel, a Gulf War-era Navy veteran, initially came to LAFLA for help with his student loans. He owed nearly $40,000; and as a single father on Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, he simply couldn’t afford to make student loan payments. At LAFLA, we are proud to serve low-income Veterans and their families through our Veterans […]

Homecoming for Evicted Senior

LAFLA attorneys are driven by the mission to achieve equal justice for the undeserved—and in the case of client Diana Scott, that purpose could not have been more pronounced. When Matthis Chiroux, one of LAFLA’s homeless prevention attorneys, met Diana this past summer, he was deeply moved by her situation: Diana’s landlord had evicted her […]

County Program for Poorest of Poor Discriminates Against Mentally and Developmentally Disabled

LOS ANGELES (Nov. 18, 2015) — Los Angeles County’s Department of Public Social Services fails to accommodate the most vulnerable — mentally or developmentally disabled homeless people applying for subsistence benefits under General Relief. Not only are those who need help the most not receiving it, the bureaucratic system and complicated application process also violate […]

Wildfire Recovery 